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Blog Post: 366 Photography Challenge – Week Thirty-Nine - Aberdeen photographer

Every day presents a new opportunity to improve my skills and see the world through a fresh lens, even when the choices seem scarce. Here's a look at my journey through days 258 to 264, as I continue to explore the beauty of the changing seasons and transitory moments.

Day 258: The Walker

I was wondering what picture I could take today as the months are passing by and the options for shots are becoming limited. I do most of this challenge in the evenings, after finishing my photography work. Fortunately, the composition for this photo appeared by chance, and I didn’t hesitate to capture it.

Day 258.

Day 259: The Farmer’s Work

On lovely days like in this picture, you can see farmers working hard. I suspect they only take breaks (if at all) during bad weather; otherwise, they’re always busy with their duties. As part of documenting this year-long challenge, I wanted to capture this hardworking spirit as well.

Day 259.

Day 260: Beautiful Sunrise

The night before, I saw the full moon and thought about photographing it, but I was too tired and went to sleep. Luckily, the sunrise the next morning was so beautiful that I decided to capture the moment. It felt amazing to have the photo for the challenge done so early in the day!

Day 260.

Day 261: No Clouds in Westhill

Unbelievable! Although the day was cold, there wasn’t a single cloud in sight around Westhill and beyond. I wanted to capture this gorgeous blue sky alongside my favourite tree. I particularly liked how the side light was hitting the field, adding depth to the scene.

Day 261.

Day 262: The Dangerous Hunter

I occasionally see this little kitten, and every time it spots me, it runs away. Usually, I find the remains of birds it has hunted. Today, however, instead of running away, it was hiding. I took the opportunity to capture its menacing attitude, which I found quite comical considering its size.

Day 262.

Day 263: Autumn is Coming

Today, I went for my walk even later than usual. During my stroll, I noticed some beautiful leaves already falling from the trees. I wanted to capture this moment as part of documenting the seasonal changes, which is an essential aspect of this year’s challenge.

Day 263.

Day 264: Monochromatic Landscape

After training, I went for a walk to complete today's task. The light was already low, so I decided to take a black-and-white image. I love the dramatic effect monochrome brings to a scene, and it felt fitting for the mood of the landscape.

Day 264.

As the days pass and I continue this 366-day photography challenge, I find myself more adapted to the subtle changes in light, weather, and landscape. Even when inspiration seems elusive, the moments I capture remind me of the beauty that surrounds us daily. I look forward to seeing what the next few weeks will bring as autumn settles in.

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Thank you for reading.

Bye for now.