This photo session in my studio in Aberdeenshire is what I aim to do more frequently. I feel energised and inspired photographing women and men over 40s.
I was fortunate to meet Sally during the course of Women in Business, which is a successful program funded by Aberdeenshire Council through the Scottish Government PESF (Parental Employability Support Fund). Immediately, I loved her style and admired her professionalism without losing the human touch.
Secretly, I was wishing to portrait her because she represents the type of person that I hold in high esteem and represent my brand: Amazing Wise Women. Therefore, I was thrilled when she expressed her desire to be photographed by me. But, I stop here. It is better that Sally tells you her experience.
Sally’s Experience: Contemporary Portrait in Aberdeenshire
When I met Leticia, I knew almost instantly that I was going to ask her to take my portrait. I was already thinking about updating my social media images. I had some lovely pictures taken about 8 years ago but I can’t keep using those indefinitely. I have changed as a person and I wanted something up-to-date to reflect that. I wanted to project an image of quiet confidence but with a sense of humour and these first couple of images portray exactly the professional image that I was looking for.
I work at Robert Gordon University as an Innovation Learning Manager with the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group. I work on a wide range of programmes with lots of interesting and creative people. I am very fortunate to love the work I do!
I met Leticia in 2021 on a new course that I developed and delivered with my colleague Candace; Women in business. Leticia was one of the first cohort.
Often, I feel that pictures of me don’t capture what is going on in my head. I wanted to work with someone who could bring out how I feel inside and to do that I needed to be comfortable.
It takes quite a bit of planning to get the different looks. We started with an initial Zoom meeting to chat through what I had in mind and get to know each other better. We are both big fans of Pinterest so we set up a shared board that we could use to share and collate poses and looks that we liked.
Creating a professional image was a driver for doing the photos but taking the opportunity to capture some other aspects of my character was also important. Leticia worked with me to plan the photoshoot so that we got the most out of it. We planned a range of different outfits to capture some more casual images too.
By the time the photoshoot arrived I was really excited and up for the buzz. I had a great afternoon and I’m delighted with what Leticia was able to bring out in me.
It was really interesting to see which of the different images friends and family liked. I treated myself to a box set of photos so that I can display different images at different times and keep all the images safe and clean. The whole process has been such a boost and its great to update my “brand” to reflect how I see myself now.
Thank you Sally for your post! It means a lot to me.
Portrait Sessions: The Objective
Portrait photography is not merely another way to make a profit in my business, it is what I love with passion. The process of creation and evolution in my photography is constant. Therefore, I feel inspired with each new consultation. Each session is different because each person is different. I feel proud to make the photos that my clients love, and their families cherish for generations.
In my portraits you can see connection. The subject is looking at you as they are present and living in the prints. That is the power that I am looking for to obtain in my images and I am highly obsessed with that. I reveal in photos the amazing and complex human being that you are, celebrating your existence and uniqueness.
“A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.”
Bye for now.