I love gardens and portrait people among nature. I am an amateur gardener myself! I sow, divide and propagate my plants. I cannot agree more when it is said “if you want to be happy for a lifetime, be a gardener”-and a photographer, in my case-.
But nowadays, gardens and nature have gained a whole new importance and appreciation during pandemic times. We have such a spiritual connection with gardens that even religious books refer them as a reward for being good or being expelled for breaking a rule.
It is well known that gardening reduces stress and makes you happy, but also a regular walk in nature lower the risk of cancer and control depression. Moreover, doctors are prescribing gardening for health problems such as Alzheimer’s and chronic pain.
Our awakening of valuing nature is illustrated in an increment of people moving or renting houses in the countryside as it is seeing in some countries. Although, we do not need to be so radicals to experience the joy of nature, just remember the pleasure of having fresh flowers in a vase. Buying a plant, or even better, repot your old plants would make you happier too!
You Are Never Too Important To Play In The Dirt
Back in history, we can find people with very demanding duties who were also passionate gardeners such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (AKA America’s Patron Saint of Gardening) and Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln used to produce such a super plus crops at the White House’s gardens that his wife delivered the fruits and vegetables to the wounded soldiers during he war.
Even Napoleon Bonaparte was committed to fulfil Josephine’s ambition of collecting all the known roses, therefore he ordered his warship to send the new plants during his campaigns. This commitment was taken so seriously that yet during the war between France and England the ships with English roses still were delivered to Josephine’s garden.
Hydrangea Petiolaris. It is a climbing Hydrangea.
The Art of Gardening
Gardening it is an art by itself. It is such a fascinating work of creativity and knowledge. It is about combining colours, thinking in the shape, high, width, types of soils and interest through the seasons. As a symphony, you control the rhythm of your garden. When would you like the higher moment in your composition? Would it be during spring, summer or autumn? Or even winter?!
You can also design amazing mini gardens in pots. There are some nice sources of inspiration in Instagram. For pot arrangements check @woodlodge_uk, @houseoftherisingflora, and @heritagegardenpottery.
Many painters were avid gardeners. Claude Monet spent 20 years portraying the garden that it was designed by himself. The flowers that Frida Kahlo wore in her hair were grow by herself. Jacques Majorelle and his garden in Marrakech is unforgettable and restored by Yves Saint Laurent. Greeneries outdoors inspired other artists, just to mention few among many, we can cite Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Joaquin Sorolla and John Singer Sargent. Why so many artists are driving by nature? Vincent van Gogh expressed it perfectly: “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere”.
As a photographer, I love to see how the sun rays are filtered by the leaves of the trees. I sit alone and watch.
Japanese Maple tree or Acer. Ideal for small gardens or even indoor pot as it grows very slowly.
Do you need to feel inspired or ease your mind? Have a look to the following pictures of outdoor and indoor plants that I took few weeks ago.
Shhh. Peace.
Sunrise in Aberdeenshire.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Corkscrew Hazel tree.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Wood in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
I have memories of many forests and botanical gardens from our trips. Legon Botanical Garden in Accra, Ghana.
We always visit botanical gardens, it is another way to enjoy nature. Legon Botanical Garden. Accra, Ghana.